Sunday, May 8, 2011

May 8, 2011. Lesson 19: "They Faith Hath Saved Thee."

What a nice spirit we had in the lesson today. I sure appreciated all your comments, verbal or just in spirit.

Thanks for coming to the blog. If you are only visiting the blog for a minute or so, remember, you can simply read over the Bolded KEY TAKEAWAYS that I will summerize here:

-There are a few different paths that Heavenly Father has us take when receiving answers to prayers.  Your Goal is to get to the box (from my handout) that states:  "Give Thanks, You are Good to Go."

-Praying always, either verbal or in our hearts, gains us ADDITIONAL blessings....don't underestimate it's power.  This is NOT just a Sunday School's truth.

-Have Faith in the Lord.  Know that HE knows what is best for us.

-Kristi reminded us that Faith is understood by first knowing what the definition of "Faith in Christ" is.  Then she reminded us that often Faith is needed BEFORE seeing all the answers.

-When our faith is rewarded, we should give gratitude to the Lord through our actions.

Feel free to share feelings that you had today, either during the lesson or afterwards. If you are anything like me, you get ideas and thoughts/feelings after having some time to think over things/themes/thoughts from others.

Today we talked about TWO basic principles: Prayer and Faith.

1. Jesus presents the parable of the unjust judge and the widow.

Jesus presented this parable to a group of Pharisees to teach them and us.

We read: Luke 18:1–8.

QUESTION: Why did Jesus give the parable of the unjust judge and the widow?

(To teach men to pray and not to faint)

QUESTION: How does this parable teach that we “ought always to pray”?

We talked about how since this non-god fearing judge eventually answered a request, how much more does a loving/caring Father in Heaven answers our requests/prayers.

One class member mentioned that sometimes he has "informal" prayers with Heavenly Father during the day. I mentioned how I did that also.

We then read a QUOTE: Elder James E. Talmage taught, “Jesus did not indicate that as the wicked judge finally yielded to supplication so would God do; but He pointed out that if even such a being as this judge, who ‘feared not God, neither regarded man,’ would at last hear and grant the widow’s plea, no one should doubt that God, the Just and Merciful, will hear and answer” (Jesus the Christ, 3rd ed. [1916], 436)

QUESTION: What does it mean to pray always (verse 7 addresses it to a point)? 

We read a passage in The Book of Mormon that has a great insight for what it means to pray often:  Alma 34:27.

QUESTION: What blessings can come to us when we pray always? (See Luke 18:7–8; 2 Nephi 32:9; D&C 90:24.)

One class member answered, "As we are closer to God, we gain more spirit and are able to earn blessings from the Lord"  Such a great point.  Since the Holy Ghost is a teacher, comforter, and testifier...we can gain all those blessings more in our lives.

QUESTION: How is persevering in prayer an act of faith?

We listened to part of a conference talk (April 2007, Sat morning session) in which Richard G. Scott gave us some amazing principles in how to receive answers to prayers. The name of the talk is "Using the Supernatural Gift of Prayer"

Here is a link to the entire talk:

I gave a HANDOUT that visually summerzied what Elder Scott taught. If anyone would like this chart, feel free to email me at and I will be happy to email it to you. (Feel free to share with anyone you like).

We didn't have time to read this ADDITIONAL QUOTE by Elder Richard G. Scott said:

“It is a mistake to assume that every prayer we offer will be answered immediately. Some prayers require considerable effort on our part. …When we explain a problem and a proposed solution [to our Heavenly Father], sometimes He answers yes, sometimes no. Often He withholds an answer, not for lack of concern, but because He loves us—perfectly. He wants us to apply truths He has given us. For us to grow, we need to trust our ability to make correct decisions. We need to do what we feel is right. In time, He will answer. He will not fail us” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1989, 38; or Ensign, Nov. 1989, 30–31).


-There are a few different paths that Heavenly Father has us take when receiving answers to prayers.  Your Goal is to get to the box (from my handout) that states:  "Give Thanks, You are Good to Go."

-Praying always, either verbal or in our hearts, gains us ADDITIONAL blessings....don't underestimate it's power.  This is NOT just a Sunday School's truth.

2. A blind man demonstrates his faith and is healed by Jesus.

We read: Luke 18:35–43.

QUESTION: How did the blind man near Jericho show that he had faith in the Lord? (See Luke 18:38–42.)

-He continued to seek Jesus, even when others tried to stop him.
-He cried to the Lord to heal him. (He asked/acted).

QUESTION: How have you been blessed as you have exercised faith in Jesus Christ?

Kristi Mickelson gave us a beautiful testimony on how she has been blessed.  She first talked about the importance of understanding what it means to have Faith in Christ...then after that is answered, we are able to act and enjoy the blessings.  She mentioned that Faith is build on NOT knowing or having all the answers yet.  Thanks Kristi for the wonderful spirit you brought into the room.

HARRY POTTER:  I shared a story about recently watching one of the Harry Potter movies (Half-Blood Prince) and there is a scene in which Dumblerdore has asked Harry to come with him to a place, without explaining where they are going or why.

After "teleporting there" Dumblerdore said to Harry,

Albus Dumbledore: You must be wondering why I brought you here.
Harry Potter: Actually sir, after all these years I just sort of go with it.

What I like here is that Harry has complete FAITH in Dumbledore.  Harry didn't riddle his headmaster with questions....and I pointed out that a relationship like that came from years of Harry learning over and over again that Dumbledore always had Harry's best interests at heart, and once Harry learned this, he was able to have complete Trust/FAITH in Dumbledore.

We can have the same relationship with our Father in Heaven.  We can have FAITH that even the difficult things we are put through, are FOR OUR BEST.  Heavenly Father is our Dumbledore (and much more).

We didn't talk about this in class, but the healed man gave gratitude for being healed.  A good question to ask is:   How can we show our gratitude to the Lord?

My take on the answer is simple - OUR ACTIONS show our gratitude.  Remember our. Stake moto------“Do something, darnit"


-Have Faith in the Lord.  Know that HE knows what is best for us.
-Kristi reminded us that Faith is understood by first knowing what the definition of "Faith in Christ" is.  Then she reminded us that often Faith is needed BEFORE seeing all the answers.
-When our faith is rewarded, we should give gratitude to the Lord through our actions.

Thanks again to everyone who shared thoughts/feelings today.  Feel free to leave more thoughts and feelings as comments here.

Happy Sunday!


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